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Track Portfolios Post SEBI’s EOP: Top Platforms

Track Portfolios Post SEBI’s EOP: Top Platforms

The user is concerned about an email received from EtMoney, stating that due to SEBI’s EOP policy, they can no longer track investments made on other platforms or check portfolio health without purchasing a Genius membership. They question if this is true or just a tactic to push the Genius subscription. The user mentions alternatives like Zerodha Coin, which uses a demat account and has annual maintenance charges, and MFCentral, which is run by Kfintech and CAMS and allows tracking of investments across platforms. They seek recommendations for investment platforms and ask if others face similar issues.

In summary, the user is questioning the legitimacy of EtMoney’s claim about the SEBI EOP policy and the need for a Genius membership to track investments made on other platforms. They are considering alternatives like Zerodha Coin and MFCentral for tracking investments across platforms and are seeking recommendations for investment platforms that do not have similar limitations.

click me for original post link – post sentiment : neutral

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