The content revolves around a popular YouTube channel, Think School, and its promotional video for Waree Energies, which allegedly paid the channel $60,000. Many users express disappointment and skepticism towards the channel, claiming that the quality of content has declined and that promotions are being disguised as case studies. Some users question the ethics of taking investment advice from social media, while others point out the trend of content creators monetizing their platforms through paid promotions.
Several users mention unsubscribing from the channel due to the perceived shift in focus from educational content to promotional material. The discussion also touches on the broader issue of influencers and financial content creators taking advantage of their audience’s trust for financial gain. Users express concern about the potential impact on viewers who may not be aware of the promotional nature of the content, and the overall integrity of the financial advice being disseminated on social media platforms.
click me for original post link – post sentiment : negative
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