The content expresses frustration towards the government for not providing basic necessities like education and clean water, despite citizens paying taxes. There is also criticism towards the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on essential items like health insurance. The sentiment suggests that citizens feel they are not being provided with the services they should be entitled to and are being unfairly taxed. The content further implies that citizens feel helpless and unable to bring about change through voting or protest.
The content also suggests a sense of hopelessness and frustration towards the political and bureaucratic system, with calls for a revolution and a desire to relocate to a better country. There is a perception that politicians and bureaucrats are corrupt and that the system is rigged against the common citizen. The content also highlights the lack of unity among the salaried class, who despite sharing the same struggles, are divided due to conspiracy theories and jingoism.
click me for original post link – post sentiment : negative
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